HWDC2 - Pictures Only Thread
6 month update
IHxBxHCx25oz (MBB) -
well while i'm posting,gonna post my MBB pics for Challenge #2. Gonna do #3 and #4 this weekend!
Month 7
Had a 2 days holiday to Port Dickson Malaysia. had some good seafood and decided to wash my MBB in the beach.
I forgot challenge number 3,but will do them too. But for now,its challenge number 4 Denim vs Food.
Oops,cropped. the sand was the tripod.lol.
after the first day landing,next day we went to Malacca with no plan whatsoever. Ended up visiting the St Paul Hill & Church.Went back to Port Dickson and time for some beach shower!
"Come on kids, your uncle need more sand!"
Food only,Malaysia style;
the one on the pot with flames is the Sour fish gravy.top notch,famous in Malacca.
Phew…quite a post.haven't posted in a while in any forums.Been busy with work,camera-less and also not so good scenery to take the mbb pics.
cross post
Challenge - Round 4 changing season.
Family outing a few weekends ago to Big Cottonwood Canyon. We missed the red and orange leaves, but autumn was still in full swing.
Damn timer fail.
Cross post
@summ3rhays:Ok maybe I didn't think this through properly, but here is my December update.
Mega Beatle Busters
IH 301s BK. 8 months. 2 washes.
Happy New Year!!!
9 mo update
Went to Port Dickson Malaysia end of 2013 and decided to sea wash my Mega Beatle Buster from Iron Heart. Its part of the Heavyweight Denim Competition 2 (HWDC2). The MBB has been 8 months of wear but effectively 6 months of wear. The other 2 months in total was rotated between Momotaro and Nudie.
This is the second sea wash. The first time was in November on the afternoon, this was in the morning.
Enjoy peeps.
PS:Lazy and slow edits. Need to really upgrade my MBP Ram..4 gb is just to slow now. Music credits to Radiohead, weird fishes indeed. Don't forget 720P.
nice video, dlaz!