Man Caves: Have One? Want one?
Pretty similar setup for me, but my garage has a full size fridge, an antique (but still fully functional industrial sewing machine) and a rowing machine. I'll skip on the heavy bag, dog bed and gun safe.
Of course, that's what's planned. Right now it's still full of construction leftovers, broken furniture, boxes of crap to be sorted, etc.
10 years ago when Pam and I first bought our house, I was allowed a man cave. Then we had Tom and it was cruelly taken away in the name of a "childs bedroom"
My man cave included…..
- My computer
- My comics
- Various vinyl figures of such luminaries as Freddy Krueger and Optimus Prime
- A desk
- A chair
- An ash tray.
These days I have been relocated a 1 square foot of table space in the kitchen, and all the rest of my stuff is in storage
^Sounds like my former man cave.
I really don't like them for regular punching/kicking/striking, but it works out for Kali because our knife work is very targeted
The angle on a punching bag is just no good for an upward stab to the side of the body or a throat stab/slash
Ah got you now. Makes sense then
- topic:timeago-later,2 years