Schmidt Shirt
Agreed on the hourglass buttons, they are dope.
I wanted a Western, possibly with two pockets. Torn there because of the uniqueness of the single pocket though.
I like the label and think he deserves representation, so torn there as well.
Got word from Jan this morning that my new shirt will be arriving in the next few days. He was kind enough to photograph it for me before posting.
Exciting times, the picture of the shirt looks good and I have enjoyed working with Jan on getting the spec for the shirt organised.
Will post some more pictures once it has arrived.
made myself a new denim shirt:
same style like ddtrash's chambray, but without the vertical stitchings.
I am in love with neitenhosen's work… absolutely brilliant. Always glad to see his posts. need to get some shirts made by him
chuck's jacket is made from a 16oz selvage denim, latest denim shirt is 8oz.
jacket looks great my friend!
Forum member nietenhosen is the man behind Schmidt Shirt, PM him.