There's been a lot of hate towards Batfleck, but I'm with Derivative666 that he was great in Argo and The Town, so I'm hopeful. Actors often come in for a lot of flack before a film is released, and I prefer to wait and see the end results. Heath Ledger as the Joker and Daniel Craig as Bond both had geek hate beforehand, and they turned out OK.
Oh, and thinking of Bond, Ian Fleming was adamant that Sean Connery was the wrong choice before Doctor No came out…
PS The Church of Batman the Redeemer needs you!
I don't hate Affleck. I don't get the Batman casting though.
Surely a sign of the apocalypse….
Bring on the apocalypse please. Now.
Just off to the coffee thread to post something pointless and inane
Yeh, that should do it.
I would have loved to see Clive Owen as Batman.
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Speaking as a life long Batman fan, and someone who has followed Clive Owens career from his debut lead in the ITV drama "Chancer", I can only comment FUCK NO.
Saved me a job there Gav…
Clive Owen is simply the English Ben Affleck, but with even less charisma and not even a quarter of Afflecks success.
The movie should have been done as "Dark Knight Returns", it should have been tweaked to keep continuity with the Nolan Batman films, and the older Batman should have been played by either Liam Neeson or Michael Keaton.
This will never happen however…
The amount of vitriol that greeted the news that Ben Affleck will be the next Batman just astounds me. Where were the rabid comic book fans when Bane was reduced to a muscle bound lackey with none of the ferocious intellect he displayed in 'Knightfall'?
On a less serious note: Best conspiracy theory I've heard so far, from a colleague at work: "They wanted Affleck to direct the JLA movie. His price was that he gets to be Batman".
The same colleague told me that a petition had been set up online, to get people to boycott the film unless the studio removed Affleck.
On balance, I probably won't go to see the film. Not because of Affleck as Batman ( I almost feel sorry for the poor bastard, I won't forgive him for 'Daredevil' though), but because Miller (before he went mad) wrote some amazing comics, any adaptation of which would clearly be inferior. And the way things are going, this film has been built up as a version of 'The Dark Knight Returns' purely because it's supposedly Batman vs Superman and 'TDKR' is the gold standard of such meetings.
Sorry to rant on... Slightly drunk :(.
Here ya go nerds, thoughts? -
Can't imagine another Batman reboot , being as decent as the Nolan
directed ones.More Star Wars coming up too . I can say I saw the original Star Wars in a theatre
in Edinburgh - when I was very young blew me away . Halfway through Return Of The Jedi ( correct me if wrong,
butj I remember it was going to be "Revenge Of…...") , I turned to my mate (Ewoks appeared) and said " Noooooo, Lucas has Disneyfied it ....bloody wee teddy bears !"Be interesting to see what Abrahms does with it .
From what I am seeing, the one plus to this movie may be how differing a direction they are taking with the character. Never seen Bats portrayed as a guy with 20 years in the suit, and given my appreciation of Miller's version think such could work. But it's still Affleck, and trainwrecks could commence. I don't care all that much for Eisenberg, but admit worse choices could have been made for Luthor.
Good point on Cranston ….trouble is he already did that look .
I never really watched M in The Middle , but when I watched B.Bad and realized it was the dad , from it …i was
impressed .Bit of a laugh here :
Cranston would be to much of a perceived age gap though. We're dealing with young Superman, and one of the things that was always weird about Hackman's Luthor. I'd have been alright had they went closer to Afflecks age, but who fits there? I personally would have voted for Russell Brand. Always wanted to see that dude take a Superman Punch to the face