Show us your boots
Those red wings look great
@VoodooRay picking my jaw up off the floor
@flannel-slut haha, thanks. Have to admit, the sunlight exaggerates the wear somewhat.
I would say the overdye wears off on these a bit easily as well. these ones are about 1.5 years old but I have some overdyed latigo engineers that after about 4 years haven't given up any of the overdye. I think I prefer the slower ageing.
@Autorotate ooh stunning man!
@goosehd ha ha, thank you!
I sort of slid in here quietly. This seems like a great forum and a friendly bunch.
Hoping to learn more from everyone here.
See you over on the dark side
@Twistlock thank you! They are about the only last that fit my orthotics lol
best engineers if you ask me
you will love them !