IHG-02 - Medium Cordovan Wallet - Black, Ox Blood & Natural
@deanclean what’s the story with the Ramones sharpie printed on the wallet?
@Mizmazzle no story really. Just bored one day at work and the sharpie was sitting around. I also stenciled my last name on it. Still hasn’t completely worn off in the photo. I’m going to try my best to keep the sharpies and ink away from the new one!
Just wanted to comment on the orange thread detail around the zipper on the natural wallet. I just noticed. Love it!
@Oaktavia that’s cool. I wasn’t sure if it would be orange on the other colours or something different. Good to know.
@Alex, I'm very curious if you have now found out from which tannery Iron Heart (Calf Leather) gets its Cordovan leather?
@Alex, If you would like to do this one of these days I would greatly appreciate it.
Imma guess it’s Leder Ogawa. Whatever it is, it’s pretty great.
@mclaincausey It is beautiful, but more information is welcome.
Hey ya'll, new member on the forum.
Quick question on the Wallets, here is a photo of mine. I have had it for sometime and not sure how to prevent this from spreading:
I am not sure what causes this on the wallet or if it's even natural for them to do so, but I figured I would ask for tips/tricks to either fix or prevent the spread.
I’m not sure what that is. Looks like normal wear and tear. Pocket lint stuck on? Maybe you could clean it somehow?
Yeah, I wanted to clean it and was curious if normal. I love this wallet and just want to take care of it as it ages!
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IHG-02 Restock -
@ashton8504 treat it like your boots give it some leather cream.