Finn Hits The US of A - 2014
oh how i wish to go back to japan again….
the route is still in the making but going to stay 2 weeks over at my dad's house and with the grandparents (VA, Beach), then 2-3weeks touring and after that another 1-2weeks VA, Beach! so 6weeks max.
When will you go there? My girl's from VA Beach, in laws still living there… I'm going South FL in late May, perhaps we'll go visit the in laws in VA...
Let me know when your in NYC ill get a bunch of us together.
Pigs F^cking Fly & Hell Has Frozen Ova.
on the notify list.
that is all.
Happy for you Rafa, and hoping you have time to hook up with some of the great people out there. Keep us posted man.
thanks Gav…just right now i'm stoked as hell. can't fucking wait!
at first i had serious thoughts about if i can stay away from work for that long (3weeks usa + 1week germany), cuz on construction site, 4weeks can be a fucking lifetime. and with the speed my project is going atm. i'm damn sure i'll have a shitload of catching up to do when i'm back. -.-
fortunately i came across yours @Megatron1505 and @Snowy 's discussion in the rants thread, talking about the exact same situation (atm. i have 9weeks vacation time and counting)…so after a few beers tonight, i finally found my peace and my new motto -> @Snowy:No Fucks Given …
TSA just got an anonymous tip about a possible terrorist entering the country in August…
Enjoy your cavity search, Rafa.
Va Beach? That's less than 3 hours from me!
So funny, in England that means "that is f@(*ing miles away!"
Good luck with the tour Finn.
i finally found my peace and my new motto -> @Snowy:
No Fucks Given …
Lol, good man, still holding it true here. Even said it to my manager's face today as I left him back in the office slaving away for a change. Holidays and life first bro for sure!!!!
Can't wait to see the epic photos!!!