@mclaincausey said in Books:
they should be thinking about the dangers of dogmatism, authoritarianism, and state violence regardless of under which banner they occur.
Exactly, and in addition the author (born 1972) puts up the question which blind spots he (or our generation) might have.
Don't get me started on dogmatism.
I don't give a flying fuck (mostly) about peoples, religious or political views , or sexual proclivity (nor do I care that much about how they dress, cut their hair or how many piercings or body art they have). Whilst those things are important, they are way down my - "do I like you as a human being scale". People are to a great extent shaped by their upbringing and environment, just because they have views that I may not share, does not necessarily make them a bad person.
But you get dogmatic with me and won't engage in sensible, objective discussion, it'll likely be the last interaction we have....
Did that sound dogmatic
I'm halfway through this but technically cheating by listening to the audio book on spotify.
Next to impossible to get downtime time with both hands free to hold a book with 3 kids under 6
Super interesting and it's entirely possible that @Jett129 could have crossed paths with him in the cbgbs/max's scene of the mid to late 70s nyc
@Giles Well said! People are more than "labels" and if you're a shitty person, you're a shitty person in my book... you're not a "shitty religious person" or "shitty gay person"... you should judge people only on character and how they treat others
I get what you mean about The Road it’s gripping but heavy. I’ve been meaning to read Freedom, sounds like it really resonated with you! Both authors have a way of making an impact.
Since the album is fresh on my mind this a great read
Also in case you are like me and find it hard to find time for actual books -
That must be interesting to read. To probe the conditions that produced such a masterpiece that was so anomalous for its time but so appropriate for what came after.
Thanks to @SKT by way of @Jett129 and apologies to @GraemeE For how long it's taking me to read (the author cites a ton of music and I've been listening as I go), but this is a fascinating book that makes me appreciate the blues, r&b, and rock & roll drumming of the 50s and 60s more. I've always been snobbier and less appeeciative about that stuff than I should have been because it's propagated so widely and you miss some of the contemporary novelty and seems so simple compared to jazz and other drumming that has grabbed my attention more.
In fact the same apples to Charlie Watts and for that matter Ringo. I'm forming a new appreciation for all of them instead of just thinking about players like Tony Williams and John Bonham.
@mclaincausey Really glad to hear that you’re enjoying it and,that the book will continue to be passed along. A couple of years ago this guy came up to me at the gym and says…You played drums you should read this. I thanked him and when I was finished I asked him if he wanted it back, he said no,if you know someone else who would like it pass it along.
@Jett129 oh we have the next reader lined up. I say we keep it going!
@mclaincausey said in Books:
@Jett129 oh we have the next reader lined up. I say we keep it going!
Yup I'm stoked to read and will pass along in kind to anyone else interested
@GraemeE i saw this at Powells and was tempted to pick it up but I might just give it a listen on Libby. You're enjoying it?
@Inorganic i read it a few years ago and just revisited the audio book a few weeks ago
I really enjoyed it although it's not particularly uplifting
I'm actually trading @mclaincausey for the charlie watts book he is reading so might as well put this in rotation after he is done with it
@GraemeE and I’ll send that one back to you or elsewhere per your request. I have some books I’ll offer up here as well for sharing. It’s the IH Library
@mclaincausey ill trust your judgment on who best would enjoy it next