EDC - What's In Your Pockets?
I went from an IH cordovan mid wallet to this dyneema thing that is barely noticeable in my pocket even in its koozie housing (ya never know when you’ll want one). Zero Tolerance flipper and JMM clip on shades for my Zephirins.
Currently in the pocket...
The only thing that's not constant is the knife. That gets rotated out every so often.
@JamesB Haven’t left the house without a triceratops in years as well!
@RobeOfTheMagi Never know when you will need it
Getting in the pool
@WhiskeySandwich recommendations on the braided wallet lanyard? Been on the look out for one, or making one potentially.
@derek111 I've made countless versions of these things but the one in that pic is my fave so far. I got the leather from Zack White and brass from Buckleguy. I've ordered a couple premade and they're just not as nice imo. This leather is much more supple and I like to do the weave and knots as tight as possible and get the length dialed in perfect. Making something custom to be proud of for a fraction of the cost is the way to go. It's easy enough a thing to make, if I say so myself. I'll try and post up a progress pic in the Wallets thread soon. It's picked up a ton of indigo.
Some progress pics @derek111
@WhiskeySandwich damn, that is the looking amazing. The length is dialed too. Take commissions? Haha
@derek111 I’ve considered, but I’d rather help you make you own, and you’d probably like it better if you did
maybe if I restock on materials…
@WhiskeySandwich well you keep me posted how I can twist your arm. Whiskey Sandwich is too good of a handle to not be used for a leather goods brand
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