d666 i doubt so. that has 6 eyelets…
They are Viberg x Freeman Sporting Club - Service Boots in Tan Roughout from a few years back.
@madmonday the Viberg guru has spoken. Now bow down and kiss his ring. It is so trying being mere mortal just lurking in the shadows of the chosen one.
I had those boots & sold them many moons ago. I remember them cause I'm a nut & cause when I went to the store to buy them I was so excited I locked my car keys in my car & had 2 take a cab home to get my spare set. The things you do when you in
I had the thought for a second than thought about cost of fixing the window & decided against it. One of my many shining moments.
damn those boots look really good. like the leather with the christy sole. so tempted to get something that looks similiar!
on a side note, how do you even lock your keys in the car? dont you need the keys to actually lock the car.
Nope u don't & I am living proof of that, hahaha
My next purchase (seriously):
Dig that photo @rocket
dope image @rocket man. those are one of the makeups that look soooo much better with heavy wear & some dulling of the bright colored rough-out.
thnx and absolutely with you… @madmonday