Thrift Store Scores
St Johns flea market is back to firing on all cylinders again….im regretting not picking up these 1930’s bear hide gloves but I can check off ‘punch card time clock’ off my list.
@Seul a bit of light reading?
@Inorganic those bear gauntlets-
@steelworker right?!?!?! Omg they were beautiful, in pristine condition and fit like a glove…..
@Inorganic those gloves are a beekeepers dream!
@scarfmace hahaha especially if you’re into role play!
gotta get that honeypot
@steelworker summer vibez!
St Johns Flea market scores:
50’s Court house chairs ($3.50 each!!)
Mini harp
Clothes pins (you know we all hang our fits)
Mini speaker for the bike -
Love that bike’s colors @Inorganic !
@GraemeE good scores. Did you pick these up at your local spot you also seem to score good records from?
@Inorganic these finds were from the coast.
We spent a couple days out in Nehalem this weekend.
Record hunting out there wasn't fruitful unfortunately
@GraemeE ah very good. I’ve had great luck at the coast too. I’ve also found that the liquor stores at the coast have a great selection of bourbons (Eagle rare, Blantons etc) that often sell out in PDX
These past few months I've been doing the occasional fleamarket here and there. These are 3 items I was able to pickup to boost the aesthetic of my home.
Viewmaster Model E 1950's made in Belgium in bakelite (bonus points if you spot the movie) - 6€
Kitty Cat Clock from the 1980's - 7€
Columbus moon globe - unknown (guessing 90's) - 7€
This thing is super cool, it has the locations of all the moon missions marked and on the inside there is a plastic half dome that prevents 50% of the globe from lighting up, so you get a real 'dark side of the moon' effect. Great for my bedsite table
@Inorganic Love that 80!