The Strike Gold
If I somehow come up with the money for the 1003exs, I am so getting another pair this time I will go SD1 (well.. 29-30 is my usual size so I will be going with the smaller waist size).
Just hope the 29 isn't gone!
Thanks arrow. I've got some of these en route.
My 1003ex arrived, and after a week eating extravagantly in Ireland (loads of bread and seafood in epic portion sizes) I am NOT doing a fit pic, they are going to have to sit on the shelf for a couple of weeks.
Question though - in the raw state they seem to have a very high rise, does this settle down a bit post-soak?
H -
nice modification.
Arrow, I'm looking forward to seeing your fit pics. I've got a pair of the 1105EX (23oz) and they fit really well after initially not being able to close the top two buttons.
This is encouraging to read for me….
The not being able to do-up the top two buttons part? I know…haha. SGs are stubborn mother's. I put about two hours of work into mine every morning. But they are simply too dope to give up on.
Arrow, I'm looking forward to seeing your fit pics. I've got a pair of the 1105EX (23oz) and they fit really well after initially not being able to close the top two buttons.
This is encouraging to read for me….
The not being able to do-up the top two buttons part? I know…haha. SGs are stubborn mother's. I put about two hours of work into mine every morning. But they are simply too dope to give up on.
This is definitely encouraging. I can't button the top button, but this means it could happen haha. Posted mine up on some forums for trade to try and size up and all I got was trash talk so far.