Random Rants
@Matt said in Random Rants:
Now I’m in bed on 4 ibuprofen and an oxy left over from kidney stones.
That's how I knew I was officially getting older.
When I started saving leftover drugs from medical procedures to use for their intended purposes as opposed to youthful shenanigans -
I got some catching up to do, how I have missed out on this thread! @WhiskeySandwich @GraemeE LMAO
@Matt said in Random Rants:
Don’t get old kids.
I don't want to get all litigious up in here, but it sounds like the Vet had something to do with it too.
Hope you find a way of mitigating the pain and getting back to your old (ha!) self soon.
Being just days away from 40 now, I've found that my take on physical fitness has changed drastically since my 20s. I used to be able to eat 5,000 calories per day and burn it off doing physical labor and a few hours worth of BMX/skateboarding. I was made of rubber and could easily power through any pain that bothered me, usually from abuse. These days that abuse is catching up to me. I have a torn L4-L5 disc and do physical therapy/yoga/calisthenics morning and night and lift when the pain allows. I've found that diet/intake is the majority of the battle when it comes to staying in shape, and the remainder is knowing when to exercise and when to rest/heal. I guess I'm a slow learner.
HAHAHAHA you guys....
Man, by the time I'm that age I'll be in a chair... I twisted wrong getting out the car and had pain for a week. You do alright @Giles
I love this thread sometimes.
@Matt - i have the arthritis in my right foot, but became aware of it when i took the x-ray after breaking a bone in it. it's manageable once you stop thinking about it. walking on tips of my toes helps, not only for the sake of sneaking on someone. fell from bike, broke a hip 7 years ago and of course x-ray shown that there's arthritis in the hip as well. last week i broke a finger on my right hand, slamming it with car door. no arthritis this time! there's always hope for good news
@Matt said in Random Rants:
That’s about all the old man can handle these days probably.
I wish you had said "possibly", then at last I could have countered with a self-deprecating "probably". Given the old fucker some dignity......