Random Rants
@GraemeE said in Random Rants:
Swimming in an indoor pool and disrespecting the fuck out of the continental breakfast
Proper course of action right here
@Matt @GraemeE hey family I got you all new feather pillows for Christmas
. For real it’s probably currently a highly annoying and stressful situation. This is the glue of life, you all be closer and hopefully despite the struggle it will be one of your most remembered talked about Christmas story’s ! Cheers to you and the fam keep on grindin! And hang in there!
Yea for sure @SKT all kids please partake in cannonballs at the indoor pool.
“A fades adjuster will be contacting you to schedule an inspection”
I moved to Denver from Southern California when I graduated high school. Quickly linked my skateboarding passion to snowboarding. Fast forward 30 years and I’ve all but given up on it because the insane traffic this town has developed over the last years. I used to get 30+ days a season. That’s down to about 4 nowadays. I hate spending my weekend in traffic. What used to be a 50 minute drive has often become 4 + (sometimes each way) hours to go battle crowded lift lines and douche bags who have lost basic sensibilities and etiquette, asshole drivers, taillights for ions. We Decided to go up this morning cause we got some nice snow. Left at 5:00am. We’ve now sat in traffic over an hour and haven’t even got out of town yet!! Fuck this bullshit!!!
Ayeeeee man that sounds super lousy. We deal with a lot of the same shit here, just in different venues, but the same overcrowding, rudeness, super aggressive driving, etc. It’s really disheartening. I know I struggle super hard with not letting it make me cynical.
Update: After 2 hours in deadlock to get as far a normally takes 15 minutes we pulled the emergency escape hatch and flipped a bitch out of this bullshit. Heading back home haha. Fuck these people! Also, “STAY OFF MY LAWN!!”
Going to go home and grab Carl and go for a hike!
@popvulture I’ve heard Austin has grown at an exponential rate! The low key cool towns like ours have been blown up. Hard to blame people for wanting to move and live somewhere great. But, shit…how hard is it to have some damn human decency??
@Mizmazzle yeah man it kills me. Just not enough room here, tbh — Austin’s a fairly small town in terms of footprint. I’m so GET OFF MY LAWN it’s not even fun haha. Sigh, crotchety old man status here I come
Clint for President!!!
@Mizmazzle haha maybe movie Clint, not the real life one
@popvulture I thought we liked our presidents to look like “Tales from the Crypt!”