Random Rants
law of torts is frustrating!
Fuck yes. If you are looking at the english common law system, then i have something of use that i can send.
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well yes it is. australia follows the english common law system. i'd pick contracts or criminal over torts and stuff. the whole establishing duty of care and breach of duty, factual causation and scope of liability is hard to distinguish and debate my point across. not as straight forward as it seems. @Cutlasshound please do send. i thank you in advance. much appreciated.
Super frustrating day dealing with epic fckwit cnts.
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F**K ISIS!!!
Arguing with morons on social media
Fucking ebay.
Sold a Belstaff jacket that i bought about seven years ago. Chap refused to pay because he thought it might be fake (its not) and that £300 was a lot to pay (why fucking bid that high then?).
Did two second chance offers. One of them got back to me offering £250 cash. I said yes.
He responds, says "ok agreed at £200" (wtf????) and can i drop it off in Bayswater (mission to get to). For FUCKS SAKE.
Oh, and i have had to get the train to a clients today. 3 hours later and Im still not there. Great.
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Fu**ing DHL! Tracking says my PC Case should be dilvered today, but it hasn't been scaned in this areas logistic centre, where it was supposed to arrive somewhen last night.
Now I'm sitting on a pile of hardware without a case to put it into and no time in the next two days, should DHL be so kind and deliver it tomorrow, what I doubt.
DHL is awful. As bad or worse than USPS. Usually the most notification I get is that the package was picked up….. Then nothing until it's at my door.
At least it shows up at your door. I always get a note that they "attempted" delivery and that I have to go to the distribution center to pick it up. I detest DHL.
DPD - to change the scheduled delivery hour, you have to enter your tracking#. The tracking# is a 14 digit combo… On the site you can only enter 13, and of course it doesn't find your parcel, and you can't change the hour.
Well done.
Although I liked DPD a long time, they've become pretty unreliable lately: 5 out of 6 six last packages were delivered straight to a parcel-shop without even leaving a notification. The funny part is that I was always at home to receive them properly.
The classic per se - not only with DPD .. DHL, UPS … It's all the same shit and gambling - for ever and ever
eh i'm not to sure about you guys, but DHL is the only one i trust. i've had them in perth and in singapore and they're perfect. sure their warehouse is a little far. but service is pretty good on this end of the world. they've went above and beyond for me before with redeliveries and such or me wanting to intercept my parcels.