White's Boots
Update on breaking in these Cruisers. I’m about 60 hours or so of wear in and they are becoming very comfortable. The prominent arch is no longer a concern. One funny thing is I wore my Iron Rangers after wearing these for a week and the Red Wings felt almost comically light weight compared to the White’s. I may never be able to go back now.
So round two with White’s. I ordered a pair of Ramblers from Baker’s when I placed my order for the Cruisers to take advantage of their sale. I figured I would only keep one pair. Now I’m looking to sell all my other boots because both pair are just perfect for me. Also, I tend to overdo things.
The Ramblers are a little more comfortable out of the box because of the sole and probably because my foot has been getting used to the 55 last with the Cruisers. Love em both. Highly recommend either pair.
I have a nice pair of Whits 350s for sale on the Buying and Selling part if anyone is interested.
I had these MP service boots in natural cxl for sale and no takers after a couple months, so decided I’ll keep them and start wearing. Here’s what they looked like from the factory:
Last night I oiled them to help with the break in. I have whites boot oil and apply liberally:
Then this morning gave them a good brushing and they are ready to go:
@chucklando Some great looking boots
About a month of wear on these. Natural CXL
Baker’s sale started last night — anyone else pull the trigger? @SKT got your eye on anything? I got some Cruisers in cinnamon waxed.
@popvulture man that’s funny I was just gonna reach out to you! Nothing for me this year, I’m still kind of breaking stuff in. I’m thinking a custom Semi-dress next year or Smoke Jumper. Glad you got an order in!
@SKT yeah man I'm psyched! Guess now I've just gotta wait. How long did it take you to get yours after your Black Friday order?
@popvulture did you stray from the standard build?
Damn that’s a pretty long time! I just did standard though. Probably the only thing I would’ve considered doing custom would be getting a 12.5 instead of 13. Decided to just opt for the whole size in an effort to get em more quickly, plus I think I’ve just been wearing my shoes too small for ages and need to start being kinder to my feet.
@popvulture they’re gonna be awesome. Now you just need to forget about em. In solidarity I won’t mention the build until you post a pic of em on your feet. Be here before you know it ️
Haha @SKT yeah it’ll totally happen before I know it — my Wills took 2 years (or actually in the end a little less iirc) and it ended up feeling a lot faster in the end.