White's Boots
Thanks, @SKT !
@spleef_oner Those are on my wish list. My favorite boots I don’t own.
My 350 Cruisers I ordered from Baker's last year arrived today, and man... I don't think I was prepared. These things are ridiculously awesome.
I'd been slightly worried by a couple of things I'd heard online in various places, namely sizing weirdness (people's theories and experiences seem to be radically disparate) and questions of decreased quality (I feel like people love to say this about so many brands). Thankfully, neither was a problem.
The build quality seems nuts. I couldn't find a single thing that gave me any kind of concern, and they just seem more solid than any other pair of boots I've ever owned. They are absolute chonks.
Size wise, I've mentioned in various places on here that I've often ended up with boots that are a little too small, owing that my foot is between a 13 and 14 Brannock, and most size-down-one heritage type boots only make up to 12. For these, I wondered if I might go for a 12.5, but I just followed the advice on White's site, measured my foot, and went with their suggested size of 13. I was really worried I'd be swimming in them, but they fit perfectly.
I've also heard quite a bit about the break-in being tough with these, but so far I'm not running into any trouble; in fact they feel downright comfortable. The ladder-rung thing thing is definitely there — this arch isn't playing around — but I dig the feel. The soles feel really anchoring when I walk. Not sure I'd wanna walk five miles in em today, but the degree of initial comfort is a nice surprise.
Only mild gripe is a silly one: the color's darker than I'd like. That said, I know from pics that the cinnamon waxed flesh lightens up as it's worn and scuffed, and those worn pics are why I bought these in the first place, so I'm just going to have to beat the shit out of em
. I couldn't be more psyched. As soon as I put them on, I thought "man, I'm gonna have these forever."
Thanks to @SKT for buying advice and moral support as I whined during the grueling wait. The forum's best boot wingman right there.
@popvulture hot damn…they look amazing man! I dig the color and, as you said, they’ll lighten up. Also happy to hear the sizing worked out. Looking forward to seeing how they evolve for you. Isn’t NBD (new boot day) the best?! I guess aside from NIHD.
@SKT said in White's Boots:
Isn’t NBD (new boot day) the best?! I guess aside from NIHD.
Stiff competition!
Great pair, that rolled welt stitching is so cool.
My "work boots" White's/Division Road Loggers. Used tonight to work the chains at my son's football game. I had to run several times. They're not made for running lol
My White’s all in one place
Just added to the collection w these Roland Sands collabs
@Denimhead-0 and now I’m really curious as to what that 610 last is like compared to the 55
Did anyone else happen to pick up a pair of these? I just ordered some, I lucked out and my size was still in stock. Hopefully they fit well
I was going to but I couldn’t justify the purchase. Even though these would look sick on the bike. But I’ll just go with some Nomad’s instead
@Choko That’s fair, I was planning on getting a pair of Nomad’s but I really dig the wedge sole on these (which I’m sure a lot of people probably aren’t a fan of). I personally prefer a flat sole when riding and the Harley collaboration is just cool.
@travisxray I almost grabbed a pair but have too many Engineers and I am still breaking in the Whites x Max Schaaf collab engineers. They look awesome and I will probably regret not grabbing them.
@Denimhead-0 I don’t have any engineers and have been wanting to get a pair. These are exactly what I was wanting, so I had to pull the trigger. They are at the house now, so I’ll get to check them out after work!
New RSD X White's Foreman Black & Creme Boots arrived today w the 403
White’s Sale going on now. Got me again
@popvulture I would love a pair of those. We have limited availability of Whites in the UK and I ordered a pair of semi dress boots in the recommended half size down from brannock and they were spot on but slightly too narrow on one foot. No other sizes available so I couldn’t try on an E or size up. Can’t take the risk ordering from the US and they don’t fit. Weird about breaking in and how it differs. My Iron Rangers broke in after a couple of hours and my Vibergs right out of the box yes other people have said 6 months on IR! Comment here seriously needs to become a proper Whites stockist! John Lofgren is better but I want their Capitan boots and they are only from the worldwide site so will get hammered on duty and tax.