Samples - New Products We Are Working On
Honestly, it was amazing. He showed us the housing and the communal areas after I had asked him if he was having trouble getting foreign staff to return. His answer, was basically, "no, we treat them so well, they are queuing up to come and work for us, come and take a look…....."
Amazing stuff.
I wonder what a chambray with two different colors (meaning no white warp or weft) would look like? Like an IB chambray, perhaps mock twisted…
One of the factories that makes a lot of of our stuff was remarkable. They have built a lot of housing onsite for the foreign staff, they have individual kitchens in each apartment and a massive communal kitchen. They also have a massive vegetable garden so produce can be grown on site. Alex and I were totally blown away with the care that the owner of the factory and his wife took of their "family"....
In an ideal world companies would…
I'd say that to every THING. We are all connected.
If that's too hippy-dippy for you, you can just extend from the business to the value network (supply chain, customers, etc)
@mclaincausey It's not hippy-dippy when it's the truth…I'm also a firm believer in Karma and you know what they say.
@mclaincausey It's not hippy-dippy when it's the truth…I'm also a firm believer in Karma and you know what they say.
A butterfly flaps its wings in Tokyo and next thing you know I'm hung over in Denver
@mclaincausey Makes me smile…thanks!
During the lockdown in Japan virtually all foreign workers went home and were not allowed back in. So mills and factories have been running at approx 60% capacity for a couple of years.
Japan is opening up again now, so things will get better.
How we fix this as a company was one of the major talking points when @alex and I were in Japan a couple of weeks ago.
One of the factories that makes a lot of of our stuff was remarkable. They have built a lot of housing onsite for the foreign staff, they have individual kitchens in each apartment and a massive communal kitchen. They also have a massive vegetable garden so produce can be grown on site. Alex and I were totally blown away with the care that the owner of the factory and his wife took of their "family"….
It’s genuinely inspiring to hear this - especially in these challenging times.
Natural Indigo 28x hand dipped? Lol, I just spat out my coffee!