Good Art Hollywood
@long_john86 I don't know if the retailers do that...but it does makes sense about the items that aren't in stock. Every time that I have looked at R&H and IHUK there seems to be a plethora of items to be had, and I couldn't understand why you would want to go outside of those channels.
@long_john86 R&H put in a special order for me when I needed an odd size of an item they had in stock in other sizes. Not sure if a special order would be possible for an item they don’t stock (but worth asking). Shipping would probably wait for their next order but I guess we’re all used to waiting for good stuff.
@long_john86 as @ARNC suggests, if you drop one of us an email, we may well be able to help
@ARNC cool shout, I’m actually over at R&H tomorrow so as you say worth the ask
@Alex nice one Alex, will do
just recieved my croc today
Amazing piece!
Great combo right there
@Kasi very cool
Wishful thinking perhaps but it does look like GAH’s curb chain.
@Anesthetist I was hoping this was GAH! Spotted it immediately. Josh has been wearing one in videos
What is a good way to remove a couple links from this chain? It doesn't fall off my wrist but I think it would look better with two or so fewer. I know they are meant to be loose but would y'all agree with me? Is this something a local jeweler could do or would I need to send it out to GAH? I would be nervous doing sending it as I have become quite attached to it. -
I think one less will be enough. If it’s to short it’s definitely not comfortable to wear. I would send it to GAH for sure when living in the States . You can be absolutely sure they do it right andperfect.
I’d agree. Looks too big, and GA would know exactly how to help. I’ve sent stuff back to them for repair and it was easy peasy.
I would think that GA would do this automatically,but just in case,have them send the links they remove back to you. Just on the off chance that someday you want to sell it and the buyer has a bigger wrist than you. Recently sold an old watch and having the links that were,previously,taken off sealed the deal.