IH-777-XHS - 25oz Selvedge Denim Super Slim Tapered Jeans - Indigo
🥰 sweet
Yes I know, that’s why I use mink oil . From my experiences they will not get that dark. Stay pretty much like they are now
Tried Obenaufs too, but made the patch much to dark. Not cool
Here’s the tag from my 18oz vintage , washed a lot and used mink oil . Perfect in my opinion -
could not resist and wore them today as it was not that warm.
Really like the low rise cut , and even if the thighs are pretty tight now I think after breaking them in ,they will be
the combs are pretty big and thick, specially on the left side where they overlap. My Question is will they
get smaller when they get softer ? Think the length is ok !?
What are your experiences? -
Hemming was after soak and wash
Ok Mo , what would you recommend then ?
They are not too long ? What do you think ?
When I do a little cuff , the problem seems to be less
First XHS , that’s why I am asking -
They perfectly fine..
Maybe cause your not use to them.
But then if you cuff them. Or maybe Tokyo cuff will look amazing with boots
That’s the point as I didn’t cuff my jeans anymore.
That’s why
That’s right Mo
Have to think about it -
@Daniel San those fat knee creases will certainly calm down with wear. Length look good. Just wear the fuck out of them and they’ll love you for it.
Thx Reuben and Mo