Buzz Rickson
beautiful jacket; wish i had the dough to buy it myself
I have the SEXBR in black (dark grey really) XL. From how it fit when I first got it (snug, comfy, warm, delicious) to after I washed it (little shorter, maybe .5 of an inch total length, comfy, warm, delicious) not much has changed. The length shrank a tad .5" and it got tighter around the torso, but that's what happens with everything when you wash it! All and all, I loves me my Buzz Rickson loopwheeled sweatshirt. I was looking into getting a grey one…but then I got heavily into Iron Heart. I would totally recommend the buzz rickson sweatshirt to anyone though. Just know they run a tad small to begin with.
My IH size= XL
Buzz size= XL -
Washed warm, cold rinse. Just like it was any old sweater.
Hectic - how is the fit of the N1?
I had looked at that a few weeks ago and pinged an email to Buzz Ricksons for sizing . . . still no answer . . . kinda puts me off not getting a response
By way of of the peacoat on the early posts - it's a good coat but I am fortunate to have a Nigel Cabourn version which I think knocks the crap out of the competition . . . it still pops up on the odd website
That's me for now
I love N-1s but I can't deal with the ARMY / NAVY labeling on them. Looks like an awesome jacket though.
I'll do some pics in the morning. The N1 I got was the William Gibson collab so there is no overt mil labelling, just all black.
Do you know the history of the William Gibson hook up? He featured an MA1 in his novel Pattern Recognition. I am a pure WG fanboi so this is pressing all the right buttons.
WG fanboi
Likewise. AND I just contacted somebody about an MA-1 (shorter version) in my size…I think the Tory is gonna wait another month. Hopefully, I'm not too late at that point...