All Things Mac/ Apple
No sweat. I had a coworker think the same thing because of the iPhone 3g vs the iPhone 4. Sounds like it's on the new LTE network
It's highly likely that you're getting a better reception with better tech. I would give you a better answer than that but I don't know much about iPhones (I used to be into cell phones as much as I'm into jeans and knives and ecigarettes now)
I suspect that the iPhone 4 for Verizon will be compatible with the 4g network that they're rolling out in the 4th quarter/1st Q 2011
Ahh, for some reason I read it as MacBook Pro not Mac Pro. Now it completely makes sense as to how you could get to $18k.
You gotta admit, with that configuration, it would be fuckin bitchin…
If they come out with an iPad with cellular connection for data/cell (I would use my bluetooth, not hold it to my ear), I would consider it
The smartest design I saw for a tablet computer was a concept computer I saw on a website: it's two tablet computers held together with a plastic clamshell, so you could have the convenience of a laptop with the keyboard space not occupying the screen, plus having the screen angled while you type. If you wanted to grab a tablet PC, you would just unlock it from the plastic clamshell. Pretty neat.
Don't ask me where I saw that, it was one of my geek websites and I'm sure I'm never going to find it again. Those websites are a pain in the ass to navigate. Prob gizmodo
Short rant for no good reason… Let me first say that I love most Apple products. I use them every day at work and home. Seriously, I own way too many of them and have for years.
I am, however, to the point of frustration with my iPhone where I want to smash it into little bits and pay to get out of my contract and get a different phone. Ever since iOS 4 it's been a piece of sh*t. No matter what I try, or what support suggests, no change. At this point it feels like a forced upgrade to go to a 4g and I don't want to give them any more of my money.
Giles - Don't let this shade your interest in getting a desktop. Through work, home use, & family, we've gone through dozens of machines and they've all been great.
I am, however, to the point of frustration with my iPhone where I want to smash it into little bits and pay to get out of my contract and get a different phone. Ever since iOS 4 it's been a piece of sh*t. No matter what I try, or what support suggests, no change. At this point it feels like a forced upgrade to go to a 4g and I don't want to give them any more of my money.
I have just become a victim of this. My problems did not start until the same time. Granted I had the 3G but still… I understand where you are coming from.
now Lando knows what to do when his phone pisses him off. hahaha
Oh well I am wrong. Feels like a whole new network! I do not keep up with phones or the technology surrounding them as much as I would like but thank you for the knowledge/ heads up.
I went from iPhone 3G to iPhone 4 also (pre-ordered at and managed to get it day before release, that was a happy day) :). The iPhone 4 is so much faster, everything seems faster (data speeds included). My 3G was 2 years old, and was time for an upgrade. So far I've been quite happy with the iPhone 4. Proximity sensor issue being one that still nags, but supposedly they're fixing that… other than that, it's a beautiful piece of technology.
now Lando knows what to do when his phone pisses him off. hahaha
You mean besides what I used to do which was to almost snap it in half between my hands??? Might have to do something like that with my 3G…
Simon, you honestly stood at a Nicatina concert with your phone in the air filming for an hour???
is it like a screen protector where you can peel off easily when it get all scratched up? also how does the front work? is the screen part just clear? cheers
I ordered a Gelaskin-cover-thing for my phone.
The quality of the print is pretty dang good for $15 dollars.
Shipped from Canada.