IHWE-FP-BLK - Iron Heart Int'l x Wesco® - 7" Rough-Out Boot - Black. The "Foot Patrol"
^ Gorgeous boots
Congrats @J-IV welcome to the club.
Hello there. I need some help with sizing as i have nothing to compare. My US Brannock size is 11. I wear 11.5 to 12 Us on Adidas or Nike. I wear a 10.5 US on Chuck Taylors. Any thoughts?
Hello there. I need some help with sizing as i have nothing to compare. My US Brannock size is 11. I wear 11.5 to 12 Us on Adidas or Nike. I wear a 10.5 US on Chuck Taylors. Any thoughts?
Hi @yannis
Funnily enough, I had a conversation with Chris at Wesco the other day about this as we had a customer questioning the fit on his pair. The MP95 last runs fairly in line with Brannock sizing, the way that Wesco's are sized is from the heel to the ball of your foot. Taking that into account people do go down half a size because they are more comfortable with their toes being closer to the end of the boot as opposed to fitting "correctly" at the ball.
I would most likely steer you down the route of an 11D. I would have said 10.5D but as you wear a 11.5/12 in Nike I would say going with the larger option would be your best bet.
Feel free to DM me if you have any other questions or would like to discuss further.
Thank youb much. I do prefer a snag fit on my shoes. I dont like my foot moving around. So maybe 10.5?
So just got a pair in size 10E, I’m a 10.5D brannock. They fit greater everywhere except on my right foot my big toe is a little compressed on the top by the toe box. If I’m standing still I can’t feel the top on my top but when I walk around the house it touches/rubs a little. It’s not painful but definitely noticeable. Anyone have something similar happen? Have only worn them to try on around the house.
Anyone have something similar happen?
Can’t say I have. Were you recommended to go with a 10E?
Yes I was. Wrong size?
Could also try without the insole until they break in to your foot shape? That would give you more room.
Yes I was. Wrong size?
Probably not, no. E width on foot patrol for a D brannock is about right, as is the size.
Could be a foot shape issue, the fp toe tapers meaningfully.
However if it is not painful then you’ll probably find it goes away with use. This kind of boot needs breaking in.
Does anybody know if the toe is structured or not?
@Ross Thanks for the information Ross. If I have a Viberg 2030 last in 8.5 E, what size should I get here?