Bread - What are you baking today…..
I get better results in a Dutchy, than I do in the steam oven…..
I was scratching my head trying to remember if you need steam with a dutch oven, and I guess you’ve just answered that for me.
I was pretty happy with the bake. They were slightly overproofed because I couldn’t find my oven gloves and had to run out and buy some [emoji1]
The Dutch oven replicates the steam from a steam oven because it contains the steam in the vessel….
I’m now equipped with two matching steam enabled ovens, two Sabor dutch ovens and one baking steel, so I’m going to mix it up over the autumn. The baking steel was interesting when I tried it in the last house but I want to have a bash side by side with the dutch oven. I’m reviving my starters after next weeks trip south too. Happy days.
Im happy for your first bake in the new house Rueben! Many more loaves to come. I also really appreciate that counter height window sill. I can see a pie or quiche cooling in that very spot with an incoming breeze.
Im happy for your first bake in the new house Rueben! Many more loaves to come. I also really appreciate that counter height window sill. I can see a pie or quiche cooling in that very spot with an incoming breeze.
Thank you, Jeff. It was great… and that window will really come into its own when it gets changed in August/September and properly finished. It will be an old style double window on latches too.
Loaves look tasty Rueben. New kitchen looks great as well, gotta catch up on your build thread!
My buddy baked us an out of this world jalapeño sourdough. I can’t stop eating it. I’ve never had better crust and interior texture and the moisture is perfect. He used a Dutch oven.
After a few rounds of poolish to get used to the new kitchen I started to rejuvenate my starter which has been in one fridge or another since April. I did three or four daily refreshes until it was powerful and bubby and baked with it yesterday. Two loaves of double fed white, and two country blonde.
Without meaning to the taste profile of the starter has been altered. It has lost some acidity and and gained some lactic notes. I like it.
Starters…the gift that just keeps giving-
Good to see you having a go at it again in the new digs.
Starters…the gift that just keeps giving-
Good to see you having a go at it again in the new digs.
Pretty cool that it is this living thing that goes into hibernation when not in use and can be woken up when needed.
As for the new place, not being able to bake was one of the worst things with the whole gig…
best attempt at Dr.Frankensteins initial tone and reaction–
"Its Alive!!"