Fall/Winter 2020 Live Zoom Presentations
This sounds so good, if I’m not at work I’m there
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It's really easy to record. I'd love to see it but I'm away for Father's day.
Will the presentation be recorded by any chance?
it would be lovely if the whole presentation could be recorded and viewed elsewhere. i will not download zoom due to political and security issues.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://zoom.us/j/95918451505?pwd=K0hkeUkyQ3pYSXFTTTRVOEJwK3ZBUT09Meeting ID: 959 1845 1505
Password: 451152
Join Zoom Meeting
https://zoom.us/j/99852943039?pwd=WU5xSCswbVpRbS9qUXhNM2paVGdtdz09Meeting ID: 998 5294 3039
Password: 348528
Yes, please record if possible. I can’t do Zoom but would like to watch it later
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I would have joined, Sat., is my sisters 50th Anny, so taking her and her husband out to dinner. Sunday 10:00 will be 5 AM east coast time, I will be asleep…….
Trying to figure out time zones across the pond.. I think 18:00 British Summer time is like 11am in the United States (Standard Mountain Time)???
Trying to figure out time zones across the pond.. I think 18:00 British Summer time is like 11am in the United States (Standard Mountain Time)???
www.timeanddate.com is your friend.
Trying to figure out time zones across the pond.. I think 18:00 British Summer time is like 11am in the United States (Standard Mountain Time)???
www.timeanddate.com is your friend.
Had to leave after 40 mins, but thought it was a really good show and we'll hopefully see something similar each season now. Much better than just seeing a couple of pics on a thread.
Really enjoyed this. Thanks a lot for doing it
@Alex and @Giles - although they might not agree with it - were great at presenting the products and information. @Madame Buttonfly was great at moderating/ spotting our questions and their follow-ups. Also thanks to @neph93 for being the voice of chat in the beginning before Paula started reading out the questions.
Thank you IH crew for organising the event. Not only did it feel more personal and genuine but it also gave us the opportunity to have all our questions answered.
PS: I'll reveal that the user with the nickname "Irr Elephant" was me!
Wanted to thank @Giles @Madame Buttonfly @Alex and @neph93 for arranging and facilitating this. Excellent, and so much more interesting than every other zoom meeting I've had to participate in this past few months. Any chance you could give my management some pointers please?
Had to leave after 40 mins, but thought it was a really good show and we'll hopefully see something similar each season now. Much better than just seeing a couple of pics on a thread.
We will definitely do it every collection from now on….
We'll also think of other things to do using this medium. Like an "ask us anything".....
Other suggestions gratefully received.....
is there a way to watch it now? I missed the live show