Random questions to which you seek an answer
The IH-805 product description says they are once washed. Is this done before or after they are sewn together? They've done such a marvelous job with these. I am quite impressed. If they have washed them after production I wonder how they kept them so pristine? The craftsmanship of these is flawless and they are finished so nice.
Thanks 4c. Are they machine washed or something other method?
Giles, these are definitely the nicest article of clothing I've ever owned. The denim is fantastic and feels softer and more pliable than my 21 oz. jacket. Thank you very much.
Any chance the 634 cut would ever be made out of the sbg denim? Or did it already happen and I missed it.
Any chance to see you girls and guys in Berlin next Friday after the Selvedge Run? @Giles @Madame Buttonfly @Jordan23 @trail and arrow @emil ?
That'd be great to see 634 sbg. Anytime I see that denim its on a slim jean and slim fit isn't for me. You have me sold on a pair. Please make with a 36.5-37 inseam.
@Madame Buttonfly will be there Friday. I won't…....
@JCMx800 yes I am coming to Berlin on my own! To be honest, I have no idea what my schedule will be like, I arrive Thursday late afternoon so will at SR Thursday evening and all day Friday - I know I have a few people I need to meet with, and then I shall be following the pack to wherever it takes me (hopefully a nearby bar/restaurant)! I don't have to leave till Saturday morning, will be great to see you
I have an appointment on 1PM, I think I´ll leave the tattoo-shop 2-3 hours later and my train back home leaves at 18:52. It´s a tight schedule I know
I have my smartphone with me and gonna check it clocklike.
Would not suspect so. Also run the risk of scraping up the inside of the right boot with your chainring.
I've loved the softness of my 101, and the sizing was such I tumble dried it on normal heat. The 130 I didn't want to lose any sleeve length, so it's been hung dry and feels a little less soft. Long story short: I think you're onto something!
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