Random questions to which you seek an answer
@neph93 said in Random questions to which you seek an answer:
@Alex time to phone the lawyers mate
I think I recall this being mentioned before and I think they actually do have some sort of agreement In place. Either way, I wouldnt want to go up against Disney lawyers, would you?
If that accommodation included a Naked & Famous like jean collab, I'm out for that one.
@neph93 said in Random questions to which you seek an answer:
hey’re up a tree in Rutland
Just looked it up: Black Adder
Good man!!
Okay friends… I’m still struggling with my 202-WHT… So I did the Oxiclean @neph93 and it worked beautifully (almost all the stain was removed)… but then I fucked up and tried to wash it with detergent. I rubbed in a little detergent on the last of the stain but now I have detergent stains on my shirt. I’ve tried soaking in water with Baking Soda, I’m currently soaking with dish soap… Has anyone had success removing detergent stains from putting too much in on a shirt? I don’t have a washing machine at my house, just a tub. So agitation is manual, I’m not sure if this is part of the problem. I could ask a neighbor for a wash if needed. One stain to another. I’d really like to save this shirt of possible. Thanks everyone!
@neph93 said in Random questions to which you seek an answer:
@goosehd said in Random questions to which you seek an answer:
@neph93 and they shaped me as well…
Small and funny looking?
My Japan Blue Sashiko jacket got caught at some sharp edge and some threads became "loose" and created a loop (see below). I figured a short Q&A for this issue could be useful to those who could experience similar issues with e.g. their IH Sashiko shirt in the future.
What's the best way to fix the loose thread/loop with regard to the fact that the Sashiko fabric is seemingly weaved uniquely? My first thought was to poke a stitching needle through the middle of the loop and pulling it out on the other (inner) side... Maybe not the best solution?
@cityofdelusion my instinct would be much the same. I might first see if any of the loop will go back to its original place by applying gentle tension along the direction of the pull. Then I’d pull the remaining loop through to the reverse side as you suggested. Whatever you do, stay away from the scissors!
Sat down and made a tutorial video explaining how to fix a pulled thread / snag in (Sashiko) fabric. Hope it'll help others!
(Also produced my own soundtrack to prevent any music-related copyright issues )