Random Announcements
Subtle…..In a Nem sort of way.....
Damn, is that a car jack? I just go by stuffing a 2X4 horizontally to stretch. This is next level stuff ::)!
thanks for crossing fingers, hooves and all other things guys…
cheers to y'all for always supporting me during all those months of studying, suffering and for all your words to cheer me up and all...helped a fekking lotl!!!
just talked to the prof and she said "don't worry, it's all good!" so cheers to y'all boys and girls...
Sent from iPhone 4GS using Tapatalk!
congrats rafa
Congrats Brother! Way to work!
Well done champ
Yes, congrats my dear Rafa!
Good news Rafa. I am sure lots of success and happiness is headed your way!
Good news Rafa. I am sure lots of success and happiness is headed your way!
well tbh. i somehow can´t believe that it´s all over now…need a bit of time to suck it all up i think! happy as f... but somehow can´t really enjoy it!