Random Announcements
And you didn't immediately snap "that's $1000 crappy armour"
It matters not…
These are the same guys that do "Hawaiian shirt Friday" every week.....
Don’t hate the aloha Man! Lots of history, tradition and belief behind those. Check out Sig Zane from Hilo Hawaii
I'm not a hater… I'm just of the opinion that there are some really nice ones, and really ugly, terrible ones... And, I refuse to pay the money for a nice one, when I could have something more versatile and cool for a bit more.
*Theirs happen to be the cheesy, ugly, terrible ones... Lol!
@UnTucked 2 words: Iron daggers
I'm not a hater… I'm just of the opinion that there are some really nice ones, and really ugly, terrible ones... And, I refuse to pay the money for a nice one, when I could have something more versatile and cool for a bit more.
*Theirs happen to be the cheesy, ugly, terrible ones... Lol!
It’s true. There are some cheesy ones. I love them all. I do Agree on the expensive part. Sig Zane is my favorite. Every shirt is about the land or history or tradition. Not the flashiest at all but authentic like no other.
Let it never be said that I wasn’t here to help a fellow forum member buff smithing.
I frequently have to wear rubber boots for work so I got a pair of these Honeywell Rangers. They are nomex and Kevlar lined and are so comfy. They are the nicest rubber boots I've ever seen.
Eating Hawaiian tonight-
Spam musubi. Don't knock it till you've tried it. -
ok. where the hell did you get that!
L&L Hawaiian Barbecue- less than a mile from home.
You know you want some…
Eating Hawaiian tonight-
Spam musubi. Don't knock it till you've tried it.
fuck i want some so bad!!!!!!!!!
i'm assuming it's pretty simple to make?
How many pairs of chup socks am I about to count into stock? Nearest correct guess wins a personal high 5 from me..
well it's OBVIOUSLY 10 in a packet times 9 maybe 10 packets there. for good measure. so 95.