Yeah, we sucked haha
@Max Power and I went to the MASTODON gig at the docks/ Hamburg.
It was a great show, sound was good, songs sounded tight but it was HOT + we both are old, we left the show before they ended their set haha??? Blasphemy! … shame on you
It was super humid and hot, if that serves as excuse. The doomy boring opener didnt help much on top.
5 more days till I finally get to see two of my favorite bands and two of my favorite singers play together, Korn and Stone Sour! I am so amped to see them play. Korn has to play A Different World with Corey Taylor, no excuse not to!
I just pray I have another opportunity to see my favorite band of all time, Slipknot. I missed out last year… stupidly. I'll lose my mind if I get to see them live once in my life. Sad thing is I've been a maggot since about 2000 or so.....
@Jordonf9 Slipknot shows are brutal. I was lucky enough to see them when Joey and Paul were still a part of the 9. Tickets are worth every penny.
Outside of Tool, recently saw them for the third time at the Gorge which was the best show of my life, Slipknot and Rammstein are probably my favorite live bands.
Outside of Tool, recently saw them for the third time at the Gorge which was the best show of my life, Slipknot and Rammstein are probably my favorite live bands.
man, that takes me back. I saw Tool multiple times back in the 90's during the Opiate/Undertow tours. Also saw the Foo Fighters when they were touring their first album. Nowadays ticket prices for these bands are through the roof, so I don't bother.
Definitely not a cheap ticket but worth every penny. Tool has to have the most loyal fans in music. It's been 10 years since they released an album and they still sell out every show. They sold out the Gorge in 10 minutes.
Jealous you saw them in the 90's. Entirely different type of show back then compared to now.
I love old country (real country) and Colter Wall, Whitey Morgan, Cody Jinks, and Ward Davis are a handful of my favorite new guys making real country music (all are excellent live). Colter Wall may be my favorite - and he wears badass westerns. I met him after a live show and he had on an amazing leather western…I wish I had asked where he had gotten it.
Any Linkin Park fans here. Just devastated by the news of Chester Bennington's death,as well as the circumstances surrounding it.
yep, I was surprised to hear this news as well. Not a Linkin Park fan but he's a fellow Phoenician so it's big news on a local level as well. Always sad to hear when musicians choose to take their own lives, or anyone for that matter.
My son turned me on to them and it was our first concert together. I went reluctantly,and they totally blew my fucking mind. He was up there with all the best frontmen I had ever seen,and,believe me, I've seen just about everyone. It was also Chris Cornell"s birthday,which makes it even more twisted.
Yeah, it's sad when anyone takes their own life. Not a Linkin Park fan either, but I thought he did a surprisingly decent job with Stone Temple Pilots. Never expected that would work but it kinda did.
So went to see Korn's Serenity of Summer Tour at Syracuse NY last night. We missed the first band DED(never heard of em), when we got to the ampitheatre Yellawolf started(actually pretty good live, I only listen to one of his songs though), then Skillet came on. I didn't know they were a christian rock band, but my buddy likes them and I didn't know they had so many hits I heard of already, great performance by them. Then Stone Sour took the stage and did an amazing set and Corey Taylor was def born to be a front man. You can tell he loves what he does! Then Korn….I was excited to hear their setup as everyone had great sound. With Fieldy bass strong songs and excellent array of songs, I expected perfection after hearing the three other bands and it was AMAZING! We actually had lawn tickets and stood in the back away from everyone to relax, but the sound was perfectly done with the ampitheatre, sounded like we were almost up front. Never heard a better show in terms of quality and ability to hear each instrument.
I must say that Davis and Taylor voices are godly on record, I was worried that hearing them live would not sound near the quality of them...I was completely wrong. They were absolutely astonishing in what I feel most singers sometimes fail at live, hitting their lowest and highest notes in their songs. It really sounded like the record...that F'IN GOOD! I seriously can't believe those two can scream and growl just like what I hear out of my speakers.
I HAVE to see Corey and Slipknot...after hearing and seeing him, I will lose my head at that show. It also doesn't help my buddy who I went to see the show with, got to see Slipknot years ago and said they were the band that put the most in their show. Also their red jumpsuits went from red to dark red in maybe 2 songs, haha.
I wish I could have been able to be at this show back in 2001....Corey really didn't give a F*** about his voice and he sounds amazing. I don't think I heard a better live video of Slipknot than this...skip to 3:20
@madmoses I have his album. I do not like country…but I love his music and voice! Great artist
Totally with you on Johnathan Davis @Jordonf9. That guy is one of the most underrated singers in my opinion. I was very impressed with their Unplugged.
i'm absolutely devo that chester's gone. sure, most celebs have had their life taken from them early, but this just feels very different. i remember being a LP fan back in the days, didn't listen to them for awhile, then recently (literally a couple weeks ago as well) been rocking out their music. it's such a surprise that he decide to take his life. and after learning that it was Chris Cornwell's birthday as well, you'd wonder if he just wanted to join Chris in 'paradise'. we all knew he was extremely gutted by Chris' passing…
and also looking back on his lyrics especially bleed it out:
"Find a new place to hang this noose, String me up from atop these roofs, Knot it tight so I won't get loose.."
it just gives such a chilling feeling..
He definitely had his demons, most that seemed to be stemming from incidents that happened to him as a young child. Any quick Google search will give you the details on that.