Currently obsessed with the latest album from Schammasch.
Billed as black metal but it is so much more.
Also Batushka, now officially renamed Patriarkh, their new album is on heavy rotation
@Graham if Taylor Swift burned churches, she would be labelled black metal too. Music critics eh!
He’s a natural instructor. I’d have loved to catch a clinic.
@mclaincausey We're definitely on the same page today, as I thought what a great teacher he would've been or possibly was. His primary motivation in doing what he does is the groove that will ultimately make you tap your foot. He's not being complex just for complexity's sake.
@Jett129 that’s why he’s one of my favorites. He was more than capable of absolutely going off but it was always in service to the music and setting an atmosphere. I love when there’s chops but also restraint and taste.
This guy is an absolute beast too in case you haven’t heard him. I first heard him in a band called Aquarium Rescue Unit in the 90s. He would do drum solos where he’d dismantle and reassemble his kit with it missing a beat. Wild dude hehe
@mclaincausey Thank you,flat out great. There's a really interesting book that I think you might enjoy. It's called Sympathy For The Drummer,Why Charlie Watts matters. Although it focuses primarily on Charlie Watts,it gives you an appreciation of why so many drummers were important and critical to their band's success. Tommy Ramone being one of them.
@Tago-Mago mmmmm…cupcakes
@Tago-Mago Saw them in Cologne in 23. Way too much daylight for Fear Of The Dark, though. Prague should be a trip in itself!