Iron Heart WAYWT - 2021 Edition
…and one from a couple of days ago when it was bloody Baltic in the UK!
IH beanie
Black Bear Wool Shirt
IH Thermal
Timbies -
Dita glasses
Iron Heart N1
Iron Heart henley
G Star
Visvim Virgil Boots Black Elk Suede -
Always admire your simple but bold colour combos @den1mhead they work well to show off the materials in an understated way
Always admire your simple but bold colour combos @den1mhead they work well to show off the materials in an understated way
Cheers @Nkwkfld for you positive feedback. I do give thought to what I wear in terms of colours as well as textures and try to push my own limits by not always going for what is "tried and tested" or "safe"
IHSH 127?
SJ mug
634 DD
AirmaxSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I dig that outfit @Brock ! I used to have a pair of Airmax similar to those and loved them - adds a city vibe to the whole getup!
My favorite things today - well, aside from the rain…
IHJ-46 | MFSC | IHB-06 | IH-463s | Wesco -
Revo Titanium folding aviators
101 Blue Check
Salomon@Brock the purple with white sneakers is a great combo. I've been eyeing these air max's for the longest but can't seem to scratch my sneaker itch hard enough
@Tago Mago excellent bit of spin there mate. Accentuate the positives. To be fair, it is a very nice lift interior too
Red crazy check WS
Oni stretch gray overdyeNeed a better camera than this ancient iPhone. Had to play with settings to get the pants to be anything other than a black blob.
@tvenuto - Photos look good bro, don't worry about it - I find that if I take any photos inside, the iPhone lens just do a crappy job. Add a bit of sunlight however, and it changes everything!
Rain went away for a few hours, so was able to take this seersucker beauty from Sonders Supplies out for a test run..
Monadic Aetna Prairie | Utilitees | GAH | IH-777S-142 |Kim Jones x Converse 70s -
drunk as a skunk in the shithouse again
I like how this thermal just sticks out just enough
081 knit cap
1700 thermal
Fine Creek -
Pop Shop
634 14oz OD
GoodArt bits -
Allie in her new to her 158. This will be the last time you’ll see this clean I bet. The plan is for it to be a ranch shirt. Thanks Ann @sabergirl it fits her well.