Iron Heart WAYWT - 2021 Edition
Great stuff everyone
Olive cotton beanie
Indigo deck
Chambray western
Your outfit today is probably my favorite in memory @neph93 !!
I’ll to try to imitate you later this week but with only ONE striped tshirt in my closet I hope I can get the colors to work with each other.Thanks for your cool explanation on seasonal horse coats @jordanscollected . I’m happy to learn that Firefly is enjoying winter.
Thanks @neph93 - I had to wash the cargoes and crazy how all the sheen pretty much left after a cold wash and line dry. I think they are more wearable now for sure
All of you Gentlemen are looking outstanding today ( per usual I might add).
@neph93 that jacket just sets it all off….nice. And those 555-SSTs are really coming into their own.
im guessing home renovations have that effect;)Firefly`s winter coat is pretty damn comfy looking @jordanscollected.
@setandsetting ,Those 777s..great contrast going on with the 51 and that 37-BLK …im kinda jealous.
@Appfaff love that jacket soooo much..pity the numbers didn't work for me.But my 526PJ was the next best thing–-oh yea..those boots bro...good on ya!
which leaves @Nkwkfld …you are consistently putting together some classic outfits man. I need to step up my game!
Thanks @dinobarnesberlin - I do love the lefty, and agree the PJ is a stunner. I'll throw some pics of the boots in the Wesco thread later today
I mean, you cant go wrong with either one..but I think it was Twins broken in Lefty that convinced me that I needed at least one great denim jacket in my closet.
Im looking at those custom boots along with everyone else I think
To quote Giles from the Happy hour. "Hey Jeff, how do you change shirts if you never take that vest off?"
well it took a bit, but I managed to change to the Wabash, and now I'm all blue.
N1 deck vest
White's MP
and agreed Rueben, you look great
thanks Moto and Dino The horses love attention, and carrots. -
@jordanscollected all of those dark blues…just go together so good:
Ive been rocking the Canadian Tux since I got my 526PJ about a week ago.
Dark blues get me every time.
I need to add more colors to my wardrobe. That olive Kersey (?) work shirt is on the list. Giles got me wanting that IHJ-79 too badly. A new fishing/everything jacket
@motojobobo That is very nice of you to say. I really appreciate it! @dinobarnesberlin likewise.
@setandsetting ,Those 777s..great contrast going on with the 51 and that 37-BLK …im kinda jealous.
Thanks dude. I didn't think I was a vest guy but I love this thing.
I need to add more colors to my wardrobe. That olive Kersey (?) work shirt is on the list. Giles got me wanting that IHJ-79 too badly. A new fishing/everything jacket
If you wore that wabby more it will give you plenty of colors
All jokes aside I know what you mean. My closet is 80% blue, gray, and black. My winter wardrobe is slightly more colorful bc of the UHFs but otherwise all darks.
Those 555s look great, @neph93. Wearing my 555 01s in slowly.
Ondura Black Sheep Merino Shearling Vest
Mezcalero Boots