Indigo Transfer - "Honey I Stained the Chair"
the friend would think it was funny, the person who's house it was I'm sure I will never see again.
Or, we have this…..
Best phone case ever
XPOST from the other day, but my clinch boots have had their fair share of indigo staining
Love all the shoe and boot crocking. Here is my Samurai belt I thought was looking pretty decent these days.
XPOST from the other day, but my clinch boots have had their fair share of indigo staining
Those boots are so beautiful, with or without the indigo
You should be the bravest person to knowingly wear those white Chucks against the tough IH Indigo!
There’s a bit on my office chair, more noticeable IRL than on camera:
Worst spot is the step which I tend to sit on when I put on my boots:
Luckily our sofa and dining room chairs are all a darker grey-blue upholstery so while I am sure they are covered in indigo, you can’t see it.
think I indog‘ed the complete canalization of my town
Loving this folks. Indigo everywhere. What did you soak @Daniel San ?
actually it is the water from the washing machine
Think it was the indigo kerseyor maybe the 14oz indigo black western
sometimes i find my self waiting next to the washing machine until this lovely blue water appears