Posts made by EvilTwin
RE: IH-101J-SR - 18oz Selvedge Denim Storm Rider Jacket - Indigo
Yeah, based on the measurements, I thought, "Oh well, I'll just have to roll back the cuffs so I can use my fingers and stuff," but it actually fits pretty well.
RE: IHSB-BIGBUCK-BLK - Black Deerskin Western Shirt - The Big Buck
Glad to get that ball rolling. Even if it winds up being only a consideration.
I will say this, the thought of the removal of the front yoke does increase the odds I may order one. Although, that may not mean much, when there was likely no chance, before. But, if the version I described earlier, or something like it, were to be brought to fruition, the chance becomes a given.
How about a deerskin version of "The UnTucked" IHSH-189? The UnBucked.
RE: IHJ-54 - Brown Chrome Tanned Japanese Horsehide Riders Jacket With Collar
Here's a peek from the Samples thread:
RE: IHSH-216-NAV - Heavy Moleskin CPO Shirt - Navy
The Self Edge exclusive black version is now live (as is the navy version.)
RE: IH-101J-SR - 18oz Selvedge Denim Storm Rider Jacket - Indigo
Man, I would have been all over this, but the sleeves are just too short. I mean, find me a single small person who wouldn't need at least another 2" on those 27" sleeves. You're supposed to specialize in motorcycle clothing for crying out loud! Let's get some more arm length.
(Could we get a picture with the cuffs rolled up? Twice?)
RE: Nine Lives
Sorry, he probably knows better than I do. Good luck, it's an incredible jacket!
RE: Nine Lives
@NinjaTheorist I'd recommend the XL. I'm usually a medium, with 18" shoulders and a 40" chest, but I wear large in Nine Lives shirts, and they're still snug in the torso. I did get a medium rider's jacket, but it's tight when zipped up. I would have gone for a large if it weren't for the extra sleeve length. Since you're larger, I think XL is the way to go.
RE: Luggage Bags and Packs
Thrux Lawrence bags are 50% off, so they're merely expensive now.
RE: Iron Heart Website V4
@The Web Minions
When I click on a product image in the store, I'm getting two zoomed-in views. The first one just shows the single image, then when I close that, I still see the same image, but with arrows to see the other images. I end up having to close the image twice to get back to the product page. (This is in both Chrome and Safari on MacOS Sierra.) -
RE: Iron Heart Restocks & Arrivals
Can we see some photos of the overdyed M65‘s?
There are some here:
RE: Self Edge SF, NY, LA, PDX, MX, & ATX
95% of the photos on our site have two different models.. here are their specs:
Josh Harris (guy with beard, world famous bartender)
6' Tall
165 lbs
39" chestRyan Zaragoza (SF native, photographer, model)
6’2” Tall
195 lbs
39” chestThanks. What sizes do they usually wear? If a tag is visible in one of the photos, can we assume that's the size the model is wearing?
RE: IHW-13-BLK - Black Selvedge Melton Wool M65 Field Jacket
Could the length and sleeve measurements have been swapped? Seems like it would make more sense the other way around.
RE: Iron Heart Website V4
On mobile, I tried to tap "Profile" and it registered "mark all messages read" instead, so I lost my place in every single thread on the forum. Could the "mark all messages read" link be moved elsewhere, maybe by the "Mark Read" button or down at the bottom?
RE: IH-526J Indigo 21oz Selvedge Denim Type III
I really wanted one before it gets with the next update 1 inch longer, glad I pulled the trigger!
Are you referring to the 526PJ, or are they really going to lengthen the 526?
RE: IHSH-180 - Ultra Heavy Flannel Classic Check Western Shirt
Like the Kanreki that we have 70 left of?
Sorry to hear that. I bought one. (Happy belated birthday, by the way!) But like I said, and you've said, you can't predict what's going to happen far in advance. I just think that with all the demand for the 180, if you do make a run of green or brown, you should make more than you did of the red, including the mediums. Maybe I just took the call for fewer of my size personally.
Anyway, good luck with all your future estimations.
RE: IHSH-180 - Ultra Heavy Flannel Classic Check Western Shirt
with less mediums…
Your entire stock sold out within 24 hours. You don't need less of anything. Of course, you can't predict that months in advance, but the lesson here is MORE, across the board.
RE: IHJ-35-BLK - Japanese Horsehide Rider’s Jacket - Black (Tea-Core Dyed)
I have one, and I wasn't aware that the SE version was made any longer. In fact, the measurements for my size are actually shorter than the IH version according to Self Edge. It's a great jacket, but I'd choose it for the features rather than any potential difference in length. If that's your main concern though, you could ask for measurements of the longest SE jacket and the last remaining IH jacket and go from there.