Anyone here play video games?
yea well it seems they have adopted the same philosophy as Giles….IWHWIW, but in all fairness, they should not have started touting it 5 years ago in that case.
Also, if you plan on playing, we need to communicate on release date!
^ i will let you know everything i hear
Still consumed by Skyrim. Need to play Arkham City!!!
I'm just downloading the full version.
Bonus fact: The same studio made Penumbra which was optimized for the Novint Falcon
( I bought one of these haptic peripherals when they were released. Real cool thing.
This is why I can buy a game like Mass Effect and it will last me for a year. I bought ME2 and Assassin's Creed 2 at the same time last year and I haven't even gotten to AC2 yet. Now ME3 is coming out in a couple of weeks. At this rate, I may not play it until 2014.
I miss the days when I could play for 6-8 hours straight because I had nothing more important to do.
^couldnt have said it better myself
Love me some Metal Gear!!!