Anyone here play video games?
Still consumed by Skyrim. Need to play Arkham City!!!
I'm just downloading the full version.
Bonus fact: The same studio made Penumbra which was optimized for the Novint Falcon
( I bought one of these haptic peripherals when they were released. Real cool thing.
This is why I can buy a game like Mass Effect and it will last me for a year. I bought ME2 and Assassin's Creed 2 at the same time last year and I haven't even gotten to AC2 yet. Now ME3 is coming out in a couple of weeks. At this rate, I may not play it until 2014.
I miss the days when I could play for 6-8 hours straight because I had nothing more important to do.
^couldnt have said it better myself
Love me some Metal Gear!!!
Got the MGS HD collection as well and have just finished Snake eater. Its definitely the best game of the series. And as a huge bond fan must say the theme is excellent.
Mgs is one of the best gaming franchises ever. Not so sure about mgs revengeance though…
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My wife is becoming worryingly obsessed with the video game "Heavy Rain".