i hasten to add the beer was at the campsite after we trailerd the broken bike there ,do not drink and drive you will spill it
bike was fixed with isopon/body filler /bondo and we proceeded on to the sahara only to have it stolen when i got back to the uk -
brings back memories IJ!
btw. just informed myself about getting the motorcycle license here in switzerland. seems like i'll be getting a bike somewhere in 2014
i too am thinking of getting one in Australia. but not a 100% confident..
ahh. seems easy enough. though i dont know how much is 27kw???
though here in australia, or rather WA, since i already have a car license, i can ride a 50cc or less moped bike and take my lower class with 250cc or less without having to take any theory. though of course like what you mention it's more useful to take those driving hours.
27kw = 36ps or 36hp
i'm in love with this one…
Yamaha XJ550 -
very nice indeed when im rich ill give him a ring and get a bike from him