So here we are almost at the end of the journey, and quite a journey it has been.
This thread is set up for the sole purpose of contestants submitting their final images of their worn denim for judging, please do not post comments in this thread as cluttering may complicate the judging process. Contestants should submit the following information and pictures to allow the judging process to be as smooth and fast as possible.
- Brand and model of jeans.
- Weight category (heavy or super heavy).
- Full front pic of your jeans.
- Full back pic of your jeans.
- Any detail pics you feel show the finest details of your jeans wear and fade.
- A selection of your favourite pictures of your jeans from the last 2 years.Additional details
All submissions must be made by April 30th at the absolute latest, no submissions made after this date will be considered.
Judging will commence on May 1st and winners announced by June 1st.
Judges decisions and selections will be final.
The winners will be put in contact with our generous sponsors to receive their prizes.
Best of luck to all, and thank you for your contributions over the last 24 months. You have all been absolutely incredible.
Samurai JIN 170z
s0110xj****Part 1: FIT EvoI've had my Jin_s for about a year prior to the contest. 'Future-sized to a W34 [SU1]. 'LUVed the unique texture/weave of the denim_ the mid-rise & relaxed straight cut were a plus. However, the [rider] back pocket placement was not really to my liking, so i put them away after a week's wear.
'Been procrastinating on a plan to re-do the pockets until HWDC2 got me to finally follow through.
Re-positioning the back pockets similar to my Yamato 001__ w/c meant moving each pocket a tad lower & closer to the center =the back seam [ie, about an inch, diagonally] has made a world of difference, IMO … apologies, if i offended the LeePro & WranglerPro lovers out there
Part 2: Jeans Evo
2y/o= 12mos effective wear= 5 washes + a final double cold wash for the "finals" evo shots__ the double wash amazingly bumped up the fade contrast.
And finally my progress on this jeans has seen my from the army to the workforce and back to school. They've been to multiple countries and even see my start a family.
To kick it off, the denim associated trips:
Thailand, Pronto Denim Carnival 2013
Take 5 Taiwan. Got asked for a photoshoot of the jeans for their blog.
Then Holidaying in taiwan with the fam,
The wife and boy visiting in perth,
And some fun times at sea
That's all for now guys! Till the next DWC…. Lastly, The passing of the baton:
Ok, here's some of my favourite pics from the last 2 years in these amazing pants.
my youngest daughter turned 10 months old this day
snowstorm update pic, around one year in.
family vacation to the interior of Vancouver Island
^ attempting to take pics of these guys buzzing around, I failed, but got one when they stopped moving
my oldest daughter on a boat heading into the Pacific ocean on the windiest day ever
pulled this out of the lake that she was standing on the edge of ^
Wow two years has been a long time, here is my favorite pictures/moments through the last couple years. I've done so much more, but I take so few pictures, I really should do more
April 13 - It all started here: Cape Cod, MA
July 13 - That didn't last long, moved to: Baltimore, MD
Nov 13 - On vacation somewhere out west in the middle of no where
2nd largest bonzi garden just south of Seattle, WA
Seattle coast, big drift wood, my dog and faithful companion through it all
Hoh Rainforest, one of the few temperate rainforests in the world
Dec 13 - My friends beach house in Cali