Random Announcements
Happy Bday Madame Buttonfly & thanks for keeping G in-line.
We all know you are the voice of reason & that G$ can be very difficult to deal with
Ah, thank you so much for all your lovely birthday wishes. Day working on exhibition stand in London has been crap but just about to meet G, Alex and other family and friends for drinks and dinner, so everything is looking up.
Happy Bday Madame Buttonfly & thanks for keeping G in-line.
We all know you are the voice of reason & that G$ can be very difficult to deal with
And yes, I do try to keep him in line, doesn't work 100% of the time (but then if it did life would be far less interesting!) Love to all you wonderful people.
Me too, they look incredible. Did you tape the rubber parts or why aren't they blue as well?
No taping. Rubber is not as absorbent as canvas….. And if you saw the bloody great contraption that the OD is done in, you'd soon realise that no amount of taping would do anything at all. Before we got good at the OD process, we wrecked 100 pairs of jeans in one hit - that hurt..............
Hope you don't wear white socks Beatle. The chucks are on point.
as soon as it is warm enough - no socks , for sure
Happy B'day Madame, I was starting to miss your posts.
Oh, I have been very slack recently, sorry! Just been given a MacBook Air for my birthday so am in the bar at my own birthday party playing with it! It's AWESOME (thank you Mr G), I think I will be posting more often in the future!
That's HILARIOUS! That dude did a back flip. So funny…
Random announcement: Heavy birthday to me!