Random Announcements
Hope you don't wear white socks Beatle. The chucks are on point.
as soon as it is warm enough - no socks , for sure
Happy B'day Madame, I was starting to miss your posts.
Oh, I have been very slack recently, sorry! Just been given a MacBook Air for my birthday so am in the bar at my own birthday party playing with it! It's AWESOME (thank you Mr G), I think I will be posting more often in the future!
That's HILARIOUS! That dude did a back flip. So funny…
Random announcement: Heavy birthday to me!
^^^^thnx. Sis just took me out for sushi. Yum:)
happy birthday. i shaved off my beard and it was a mistake.
i shaved and looked in the mirror and said "wow. i dont remember being this ugly." hahaha.
i'm totally down for a beard race. let the games begin!
I don't have much facial hair, but had to shave after 5 weeks as well for work, and I hate it. Will let them hairs grow again from won. But it takes 3 weeks till you notice that