IH-805 - 21oz Indigo Selvedge Denim Double Knee Overalls
Ha no dangs given, I like your style dude.
Heat tolerance with heavyweight denim depends on the individual. Some folks here on the forum are fine with wearing 21, 23 or 25oz in the humid heat, while others do not. It depends on your own body and how it tolerates heat.
I tend to wear my 21oz 555s in the summer with little complaints, but would not want to wear anything heavier.
With these bibs, obviously there is more fabric to take into account. I'm going to try it out on the hot days with Birkenstocks and a cutoff tee underneath with a hat to see how I fare this summer.
Also take into consideration what you plan to do while wearing them, especially outdoors. If you're casually walking to a brewery or a corner store, you'll likely be fine. But any type of manual labor likely will be sweaty as hell.
I don't mind them in hot weather because of the looser fit.
I'm super hot-natured so I'm curious how these will be in the summer — usually I don't wear a lot of heavyweight stuff in the TX heat, 21oz being no exception. Like Oak said though, really depends on the person.
They've been absolutely awesome in the nice spring weather though, and I'm sure fall/winter will be perfect as well.
Schweddy Bibs
21oz isn't too warm and bibs seem super airy. I would expect them to be pretty good for warm weather.
Of course you could always hem the legs into bib shorts
Someone do it, I dare you…. The Iron Heart Jumper...
Much like you with this @popvulture. In true heat, I can more readily do heavy jeans than the bibs. The added denim on my chest offsets the looser fit since I run super hot. Somehow I can usually get away with the 21oz (nearly) year round, but, then again, I'm in California heat
@mclaincausey maybe once my bibs hit their twilight years, and I'm far too old to care whether the bibs jumper is or isn't more ridiculous than 21oz double knee bibs in general
Thank you all for your advices, my thighs are not very big so i guess i could fit every sizes starting with the smallest size 30, that's why i am trying to figure out which size is the good for me focusing on the waist rather than the thighs ^^ I will give it a try with the size 32 and just return it for a 34 if it's too small, will order it end of the month, fingers crossed for a nice fit and a proud newcomer in the Brotherhood ^^
It finally took me one more month to decide to go for a 32 or a 34, then 34 was sold out… and finally one was back in stock lately, so i've just ordered it now, if it's too big i can return it for one of their 9+ size 32 in stock
Can't wait to receive it now !!!
Last time i have worn a bib or something with suspenders was like 28-29 years ago
Couldn't be happier with my new IH gear, my struggle and fear about taking the last size 34 or the 32 is now finished and the 34 was definitly the right choice, it's sooooo comfortable omagad !!! It will be my go to for every days off
Shipping on point as usual, received the parcel in France the day after i ordered it, thanks everybody for sizing helps, waist measurements is really not the thing to focus on to get the right size with this bib, i use my straps at the very lower parts and it's just perfect for my preferences, i am a 6'1 = 1m87 and i don't know how the very tall guys from this topic like henry_david can wear it without having the crotch stuck to the roof or being a balls hugger ahah ^^
BONUS picture with the cat trying slowly but surely to be a member of this forum without an ID
Looking awesome @Raisinoux. glad you're happy with them!
Great fit @Raisinoux !
Welcome, to the Brotherhood -
Great fit @Raisinoux !
Welcome, to the BrotherhoodSeconded…although whenever I hear that welcome phrase it always makes me think of Fallout 4
which is not a bad thing.
Patiently waiting for the next Fallout…
Man, sweet fallout reference, I keep having more and more in common with this forum
Thank you guys for your welcoming words
Is the front of these kind of low? It seems like it should sit a little higher near the chest. I admittedly have no experience with overalls and am basing this off my perception and Uncle Jesse from Dukes of Hazzard.
I think it's supposed to be worn higher in the chest but i prefer to have the line of the waist a bit low, i usually buy high rise jeans and wear them lower and looser, sometimes i even go +1 in waist to be sure i will have this loose fit with a high relaxed rise, i could wear that bib a bit higher (5-6 cm max) but because i am tall the crotch seams will quickly hit my butt and it's uncomfortable ^^