Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
I’d love to see some Iron Heart Sashiko products, specifically a modified type 3. Take my money!!
I would pay a small fortune to cover myself head to toe in Ironheart Sashiko! Ironheart Ninjas!!!!
Instead of waiting for the next big IH anniversary to re-release a shirt from the archives,how about once a year you release one of the really cool shirts from the beginning/early days. Possibly a limited release,or maybe even some sort of twist on the new one so it isn't an exact replica. And call it something cool like the IH Heritage or Archive Series. And it would be something to look forward to every year,not like we don't have enough already. Sorry for rambling,just a thought.
An 11oz. whipcord CPO seems like it would fit perfectly in the Iron heart lineup for FW/23
^yes! Work shirt CPO’s please
Good Idea James , and the name is brilliant
I was poking around further back in this thread and saw mention of a black warp white weft denim and that while there is excess stock it isnt very popular-
has there ever been any thought to overdying it black? Obviously that may seem like overkill but I can picture it with a cool matte finish and unique fade potential, perhaps as a cpo or m65.
The Rough Rider …
Would be class patina would be crazy on it ..
YES, I am so into this.
EDIT I'll also add that since I feel like roughout has a bit more of a utilitarian vibe, it'd be cool to see it without a front yoke. Just a little more minimalist, a little less fuss.