That look of disdain… -
Hey @Oaktavia hows Indigo doing? Any updates? Wishing y’all well.
Still waiting on biopsy results.
Hoping for good news @Oaktavia
Chicken enjoyed mouthfuls of frozen grass today
Bad news folks…our male Golden boy who we call Indigo has a tumor inside his mouth on his upper palette. Biopsy on Monday will determine whether or not it is cancerous. He isn't even two years old yet. My wife is destroyed and I am acting as the strong one. Inside I'm really sad.
I’m just now seeing this @Oaktavia I hope for the best for you guys.
Thanks folks, today is the first possible day to find out, as they gave us a 3-5 day wait period which means Saturday should be the last day we could find out. It's fucking terrifying to be honest and I hate waiting for something so important. My wife is freaking out, with good reason.
Even if the tumor is benign, the vet will have to cut it out of his mouth once a year for the rest of his life, as it will continue to grow. The vet said some dogs that not allow their owners to check their mouths (?) have come into his office with tumors growing all the way down their throats. Indigos was the size of a small grape.
Amanda did a little bit of research and she found out (if it's true…who knows with the internet) that apparently male dogs are twice as likely to develop mouth tumors compared to females. Coincidently, Goldens Retrievers and German Shepherds (the breed we are looking to adopt in the next 10+ years) are the most vulnerable breeds to grow them. Go fucking figure.
Good luck @Oaktavia !
I think the ultimate cancer machine is the Bernese mountain dog, a shame because they are lovely creatures.
Thanks fellers @mclaincausey @goosehd
Good luck @Oaktavia !
I think the ultimate cancer machine is the Bernese mountain dog, a shame because they are lovely creatures.
boxers are pretty bad, too. I've had close to 10, and all but two have developed some form of cancer. Gut-wrenching, to say the least…
gotta be hyper vigilant when vetting breeders, and even sometimes then, things go awry