Great photo and fam @Wormspice - Welcome…..
Plus One. Also, dig the forum nick.
Plus another. I too am a Dune nerd and also appreciate the handle.
Natural beauty.
This is one of my favorite places near "home" in the Eastern Sierras of California. The Pacific Crest Trail actually crosses over this right near where this was taken with a wobbly bridge my dog isn't so fond on. Maybe we will see her in the "family" post. The water is all snow melt, at the end of summer it's just a trickle usually (it is dry California after all) It is crazy sometimes to see how much the landscape is shaped by weather.
Iron Heart 25oz 555 -
Throwback to my first Iron Heart denim experience, which was joining the ongoing 888 fat boy chocolate world tour. My wife is very horse passionate, and she “gave” me Firefly when her and I got serious. Firefly was my best friend for many years before passing away on her 15th birthday last May.
Still looking for another horse, still looking for the perfect hobby farm. All the while making great life memories and doing so in great Iron Heart clothes.
Minnesota is well known for their excellent park systems, and Three Rivers Park district has many horseback riding focused parks to choose from.
Visiting Yosemite for the first time during the height of Covid-19
This family portrait was taken on said bridge, with my 3 year old daughter Magnolia giving everyone the one finger salute.
@Wormspice haha! I assume this became the Christmas card photo? This one gets my vote thus far.
Nice pics.
I hang this up on a picture rail in my new house and just stare at it. It’s not fair when you wear it unless you look in a mirror you don’t really get to appreciate what it really looks like.
This is early morning denim. I’m working nights at the moment and will try and post tomorrow.
Loving all the faces new and old. Great job folks!
Squeezed in a quick skate after work today.
IH-9526V ,IHSH-181-GRY, IH-634S
Checking out new reading glasses. I sat on my old pair. You could call it working……
Crotch shot; 555-01. Feel free to delete, @neph93 -
507 at work