IHSH-340-RED - Ultra Heavy Flannel Classic Check Western Shirt - Red
@B_OneBomber my opinion is worth no more than anyone else’s but some thoughts:
it looks good to me
@goosehd is (obviously) right - if you’re happy then the fit’s good
fit and build quality are different beasties - we have probably all got our hands on something that’s gorgeous but just doesn’t work for us (not that this applies in this case)
value for money is entirely subjective - again if you’re happy then everything’s good
I get the need for a second opinion (and I’ve asked in the past) but only you know how you feel - if you’re happy … -
The current size looks good. With a bit of shrink from a wash and creases in the elbow area the sleeves will be slightly shorter and then the fit will be perfect.
Somebody save me the trouble and tell me who’s on this redit forum. Skateboarders and LA gangsters from the 90s?
I think the fit would be even better with a hot wash, but it looks great as is. Could not imagine sizing up. I know some people tend to wear things a few sizes larger than what would be a 'regular' fit because it may or may not be trendy to wear very oversized street fashion recently.
What’s funny to me is that just a few years ago everyone would be saying, “Size down!”, or “Size down two!”. Slim fits were so in for a long time that I feel like everyone was squeezing themselves into fits like sausage casing. I guess that ship has sailed? Good riddance, as for me comfort is key, but I think your fit is on point for this one, and you can wear and wash without worry.
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Welcome @B_OneBomber You def nailed the right size–it looks great. I've been building a little IH collection starting with denim items and eventually moving on to fannel and some knitwear/accessories. The pattern on this shirt is amazing. I went Wasbash this season instead of a fannel and this shirt almost makes me regret my decision ;P
I dipped my toes in another forum (named below) and did not find the information very helpful, or even accurate; not to mention, a general tone of judgment as opposed a sharing in a hobby/ passion type thing.
Enjoy your excellent flannel!!
@sabergirl makes a good point here too. I'll add that buying things 'sausage casing' tight does not generally lead to owing something for the long haul IMO. You'll eventually only going reach for the comfortable garments in your closet anyway.
i somehow missed this one, but what a beautiful shirt that is…can't buy it right now, but i will be definitely keep it on my wish list. just wonderful.
I truly appreciate all the feedback. I am loving this shirt and wear it often. I gave it a 30 degree wash and hang dry and it shrunk a bit, and it fits great. It's very warm and cozy for the cold winter months here in Germany.
I didn't want to call out the other forum specifically as to try to avoid perpetuating any negativity. This shirt and all the other Iron Heart products I own just bring so much joy and I'd like to highlight that above all else
@doubletee looks great to me. I think down would be too tight. If you feel it’s a bit loose you could always run it through a warm/hot wash.
@doubletee why do you think it’s big? The shoulder seams aren’t even at the end of your shoulders and the cuffs sit right at your wrist. I don’t think sizing down would work.
@doubletee you've got THE perfect UHF fit man.
Fits great, def wouldn't go down.
@pechelman Please see below man. Apologies it is solely in inches, but hopefully it helps!