RIP Filthy Mike
I am trying to get a few of Mikes pieces here so that we can run auction them off and donate the proceeds to The American Heart Association, his family's charity of choice.
One forum member has already offered out of the blue to send me a pair of jeans Mike gifted to him, I'm going to see what else I can rustle up.
I will go through my wardrobe in a bit and see what I can come up with to donate towards the auction.
Wow…every day is precious.
RIP Mike, Godspeed.
@Giles do you know or can you find out if there’s a way to make a donation in his name?
Heya, Matt! There was a note about that at the end of his obituary:
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the American Heart Association, 444 Liberty Ave., #1300, Pgh., PA 15222 or
Any chance of anything going to the care of Pickles?
This definitely crossed my mind — would love to know she's being taken care of, would happily donate to help out.
Any chance of anything going to the care of Pickles?
This definitely crossed my mind — would love to know she's being taken care of, would happily donate to help out.
From what I understand, his mom and him lived together and he was taking care of her along with Pickles. I would guess his mom is taking care of Pickles but maybe his sister is instead?
Any chance of anything going to the care of Pickles?
This definitely crossed my mind — would love to know she's being taken care of, would happily donate to help out.
From what I understand, his mom and him lived together and he was taking care of her along with Pickles. I would guess his mom is taking care of Pickles but maybe his sister is instead?
Cool @Oaktavia thank you!
I'm deeply saddened by this news. It doesn't feel right or fair.
I'm struck by a desire to honor and remember this man. I look forward to hearing more about how we the forum can contribute to his legacy.
Wow…just saw this sad news. So sorry to hear about this.....Mike truly was a kind person and was a fixture on this forum. He was definitely passionate about Iron Heart, specifically anything 25oz if I recall correctly, and he truly truly was kind, generous, and beyond polite during any and every correspondence I ever had with him on the forum. I think everyone can agree on that.
Condolences to the family, you're in our thoughts and prayers. RIP Filthy.
If i'm not wrong i think his cat Pickles died months ago.. I remember few stories on his Instagram where he said his cat was sick as fuck eating a toxic plant or something, days later (in June) he was pretty sad and commented on my cat's instagram posts that I had no idea how much he wanted to pet my cats
I didn't know Mike a lot but he was a great dude for sure, reading his posts and feeling his passion for denim was very motivating, i got my bib thanks to him like a lot of members here following the evolution of his bib, he will be missed and i feel like i've lost a buddy even if i only know him through his posts… RIP Mike
Yes i think you are right, my memory doesn't go very far sorry ^^