IH-777S-UHR - 21/23oz Ultra Heavy Raw Selvedge Denim Slim Tapered Cut Jeans
It’s design thing UHR NEEDS to be soaked and washed.. it’s all in the way the denim has been made. In the end it’s your denim and i hope it works out, so njoy them!
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts. I love the look and feel of the raw so that’s how I’ll wear them for now. I’m not concerned about the damage. After a few weeks or months when they stretch out I may give them a soak. I’ve worn lots of raw denim this way (mostly Mister Freedom) and its not an issue for me. Perhaps they manufacture them differently. Either way, I’m aware of the possible damage, and after all these are just a pair of jeans. Everyone enjoy how they like. That’s what makes clothing and style so individualistic.
Another point to make is that any fades that are established without a hot soak will shift when or if they are eventually soaked. The waist will stretch back out to the original measurements after an initial hot soak too and the dark raw indigo color will not be changed much to notice if that is your concern.
I mean, at this point I want to see what happens. I need to see this. I’m imagining myself at the airport, traveling with only these jeans and no other pants. I’m standing there in security, first there’s the slightest popping sound as the Rosetta stitch that needed to shrink gives out. Moments later I’m standing in the MIL, all eyes on me and my pants literally explode into a pile of useless denim. I’m arrested for exposing myself to families, put on the no fly and all I had to do to avoid this was boil my jeans.
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[mention]pechelman [/mention] I think I have a pretty game OF concept ready go here. I’ll just try to replicate that Lenny Kravitz gif in every inappropriate public setting that I can imagine
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[mention]pechelman [/mention] [mention]super-thermite [/mention]
I’ll kick in a 20$ too. I may also need it though. If we happen to be travelling at the same time and the exact same thing happens to me in the security lane beside you we can just give each other a nod. -
[mention]deanclean [/mention]just rebel stuff.
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Just thought I would put up some fit shots.
Looks good!
Thanks @Heavy_blue and @Kasi I’m loving them. I probably won’t get them hemmed just because I like big cuffs. Especially in the summer with sandals or clogs, but I sometimes fold the the top of the cuff back down to make it look not so high.
You will have to educate me. What’s a Tokyo cuff? I guess I can google it
I just end up doing this most of the time
Here you go
Thanks @Kasi sort of the opposite of what I did. I’ll give it a try