Great collar
. I’m certain Carl deserves it. He looks like a fantastic companion.
@Mizmazzle yo where can I buy one of those collars for my dogs?
@Oaktavia hey bro. I found this leather worker on Etsy. Dude is really cool. We kinda struck up a friendship through the whole process. He made it custom based off all my ideas. I was blown away by how much love he put into the project. He must have thrown out 2-3 other collars he made and wasn’t happy with. I’d recommend him in a heart beat. His name is Larry and his shop is called Across Leather. One of the nicest dudes I’ve had the pleasure to interact with.
@Mizmazzle nice! Checking him out now, thank you.
@Matt He's very lazy and tends to be curled up somewhere 99% of the time, so is easy to catch on camera.
@Nocturama Exactly. When it opened up he was pulling in the direction of home like his life depended on it. He absolutely hates being wet.
What's funny is the poodle half of him is fascinated by water, so he'll stand on a riverbank for ages staring at it go by. But the terrier half hates it, so he'll never go in it.
@Nik Chicken is smart