Your biggest Iron Heart regret
Here we go....
(1) Letting Self Edge repair my IH-301s-07-bk. Every time the darning changes direction there is a little ball of thread. The crotch is now a cheese grater.
(2) Not buying more than two beach towels
(3) Not getting the small duffel bag in addition to the medium. The medium can hold lots of stuff but it's not so practical because it gets a bit too heavy for my shoulder.
(4) Not getting an additional old style belt with the silver buckle. You can see the old one on top, which has over 10 years of wear, and the new one on the bottom, which has about 3 years of wear. The new one has a wrinkled effect that I don't like.
(5) Getting my first IH cordovan wallet stollen. I replaced it right away and have had the replacement for about 12 years, but it still pains me to think that some thief probably just took the money and trashed the wallet. Here's the replacement with the current amount of wear.
(6) Not figuring out how to get an IH Camo beach chair. Nobody else except for Giles has one, but still....
@Matt said in Your biggest Iron Heart regret:
Man, why’d you have to go and bring MY regrets into this?
I was gonna post it somewhere in another chat but I was too lazy to search for the photo
Just before the Loom Breakers were released, there was a pair of work pants sampled in the indigo / indigo canvas. They never made it into production, but the sample pair fit me perfectly.
I have no idea what happened to them. They never came up in any sample sales, but in retrospect I should have talked @Giles into selling them to me.
There have been a few releases that I liked the look of, but would be too warm for Australia. The IHM-38-OLV is a current example.
As for the IH-436, I got a pair from the last run in a size 34 during the pandemic. Due to being a bit fat then, they didn't fit me, and due to my gym habit, they still don't fit me. They're a weird cut. I probably should stick them up in a sales thread.
Reading all of this makes me regret that I got into Iron Heart not even a year ago. So many cool pieces that I will never have the opportunity to try…
But even in this short time I’ve been around I had experience of not being quick enough to get something I really wanted.
I’m talking here about the Oiled Whipcord N1 Deck Jacket - Olive [IHM-37-ODG]. This made me to buy backups of the things that I really connected with (like the IH-888-XHSib or IHSH-339-SAX). -
I only have two regrets.
Missing out on the 20th anniversary flannel. I see them pop up from time to time, but never in my size (XXL).
My first IH jacket was the 19oz lefty. Incredibly uncomfortable, I wore it most of the winter in 2021, but it still never got any better. It's been relegated to the back of my closet for the last while, as it is just too uncomfortable/stiff to enjoy. I recently picked up a 21oz version during the last few hours of the most recent sale and it's magical. I have about eight IH jackets now, and that lefty kills me just looking at it. I'm tempted to list it for sale, but part of me doesn't want to admit defeat.
@VegaS10 19oz is a beast it requires time and patience and yeah maybe a little pain but it’s the best jacket they ever made imo. Try to wear it with a hoodie or so to stretch it up a little. Soak it a few times to get a little of the starch/indigo out. Or go brutal for a few weeks and break the core of this beauty! But in the end that’s just my 2 cents..
@Heavy_blue , I wore it with a hoody pretty much the whole time I owned it. It's been washed a couple of times (cold washed only), soaked once, etc. I've done everything I can to try to make this thing pliable, to no resolve.
I will say though, it does have some nice creases/fades
My first pair of the 666 S 21 was a disaster where I did not come to terms with the 21 oZ denim, but now with my 634 21 oZ, I have a completely different opinion. So a regret turned into a prospect for me.
@VegaS10 I think it all depends on what you want out of your denim-wearing experience. For me, comfort is king. The hard, unyielding heavy denims don’t really hold much appeal even if the fades to be had are amazing. I don’t think it’s a failing to not enjoy a jacket like the lefty. Glad to hear you’re loving the 21oz type III.
@VegaS10 Regarding your second point: I've had the exact same experience as you. It was so uncomfortable for me that I had to let it go in the end. The fades can get pretty vibrant and all, but as @sabergirl mentioned, comfort is king in the long run. And wearing denim is a marathon.
Just like you though, I too fell in love with the 21oz version and have been wearing ever since getting it. My old 634 21oz jeans were as soft as pajamas, so I know that with time, this jacket will only get much better. The same goes for my current 21oz 888.
Never meeting @Geo , never meeting @Filthy2123ozjunkie & never meeting @nemesisnow1200 .....
I regret buying my first pair (DC4001) and getting involved with all of this
Oh wait that’s my wife’s regret…..